Are Birds Animals Yes Or No

Yes, birds are animals too.
Are birds animals yes or no. This is an example of a question i wish to stay neutral, but i have the desire to share my opinion. The park has great potential. Birds do not fall under the mammal category but are instead members of the aves group of animals.
Other ways you can care for native birds and animals. But, and here’s the big but, they’ve never known any other kind of life. Once they have filtered the nitrogen through the kidneys the result is uric acid, which is then expelled through the bird’s poop.
Then definitely yes but like birds and small creatures that wouldn't harm anyone should be set free. These young birds are definitely animals! Birds do not pee in the way mammals do, but they do have kidneys to filter nitrogen out of their bodies.
… is afraid of fish. No other type of animal produces milk. I so deeply value my freedom, my ability to choose.
Yes no search in all languages. 10) dogs can play computer games. 10) is it a tall giraffe?
… made animal sounds yesterday. I wanted that for her, too. pain is defined by the international association for the study of pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. only the animal experiencing the pain can know the pain's quality and intensity, and the degree of suffering.
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